Housing, finances

A place to live and enough money to pay for daily necessities : many stories attest to the concrete help of Mary.


Mary Blanche – 09/07/2017
I had a debt that I needed to pay immediately. I had tried to find other ways to come up with the money but was unable to. I prayed this novena to ask our Mother for her intercession. A week or so after the novena, I received help with paying my debt from an unexpected source. Thank you, MARY WHO UNTIES KNOTS!

Michelle – 15/12/2015
My 42-years old son is suffering from a cancerous brain tumor. As a result, he is an invalid. He had the opportunity to purchase a property adapted to his needs, but several banking and insurance hurdles almost ended the project. Once again, Mary answered my prayers. May she be praised for it.

Therese – 01/05/2015
I decided one evening to do the novena. I wanted to ask Mary to help us sell our apartment which we had trouble selling (in order to help our children). The next morning, some buyers came, and in the afternoon, they signed the offer at the agency !!! How could one not to believe in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin?

Anne-Lise – 20/04/2015
We live in the Paris area. My mother, who can no longer live on her own, has been living with me for three years. There are so many people who need a house, and on the other hand her vacant house couldn’t be sold. I decided to do the novena. I received a message on the answering machine from a neighbor of my mother who was looking for a house for her elderly father. Mr. B. moved into the house, very happy to live close to his daughter. Thank you, Mary, for taking care of your children …

M-A – 23/03/2015
For several months I had been struggling financially and had no idea how I would be able to cover my overdraft of 1,500 euros. I always buy the bare necessities and even by restricting myself I could not see how I could manage. Then I remembered the novena to Mary Who Unties Knots. I recited it in April, and in July I had an unexpected windfall (insurance refund and various other things…) of about 2,400 euros. Thank you Mary for untying this knot forever !

Anne-France – 19/02/2015
My husband was experiencing professional problems. Mary Who Unties Knots helped us find an apartment in a different country, which allowed my husband to change jobs and helped us find a great school for our children. So it was with a lot of gratitude that we went to Augsburg, to St Peter am Perlach church, at the feet of Mary Who Unties Knots, to give thanks.

Annie – 29/01/2015
A few days ago my car died. I live on my own with a modest income … I felt some despair. One morning I walked to my village church and prayed fervently. That same evening some friends offered to lend me their car until I could find another vehicule!

G. – 15/08/2014
My husband had to be hospitalized in a special nursing home … We started a novena to Our Lady Who Unties Knots because we were powerless to find what he needed and especially because the cost was above our budget … At the end of the novena, the problems were miraculously resolved. I’m sure it was a miracle. Thank you Our Lady!


Father Celeiro is pastor of San Juan Bautista parish in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He wrote the Novena in 1997 for all those who want to place their problems in the hands of Mary. Learn more
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